During the course of thousands of overland boat deliveries all around North America, our drivers and dispatchers have learned which dealers, shipyards and marinas are the most accommodating. Here are some of our favorites:
- CRACKER BOYS, Riviera Beach, FL (www.CrackerBoyBoatworks.com) South Florida
- DERECKTOR-GUNNELL (www.derecktor.com) South Florida
- EMBREE MARINE, St. Petersburg, FL - West Central Florida
- GASPARILLA MARINA (www.gasparillamarina.com) Southwest Florida
- JONES BOAT YARD (www.jonesdrydock.com) South Florida
- MOBILE SHRINK WRAP (www.mobileshrinkwrap.com) West Central Florida
- NORSEMAN (www.norsemanshipbuilding.com) South Florida
- PIPEWELDERS (www.pipewelders.com) South Florida
- PROGRESSIVE (www.progressiveboatyard.com) West Central Florida
- SAILOR'S WHARF (www.sailorswharf.com) West Central Florida
- SALMON BAY MARINE ( www.salmonbaymarina.com)
- SALT CREEK BOATWORKS (www.saltcreekboatworks.com) West Central Florida
- SEABROOK SHIPYARD (www.seabrookshipyard.com) Texas
- SNEAD ISLAND Palmetto, FL West Central Florida
- VIKING BOATWORKS (www.vikingboatworks.com) West Central Florida
- ANDERSON'S (www.andersonsboatyard.net) Northern California
- BASIN MARINE (www.basinmarine.brilogy.com) Southern California
- BAY YACHT & SHIP (www.bay-ship.com) Northern California
- CHANNEL ISLAND, Oxnard, CA (www.ChannelIslandsHarbor.org) Southern California
- DRISCOLL'S MISSION BAY (www.driscoll-boats.com) Southern California
- KEEFE KAPLAN MARITIME (www.kkmi.com) Northern California
- NELSON'S (www.nelsonsmarine.com) Northern California
- SEAVIEW EAST & WEST (www.seaviewboatyard.com) Washington
- SOUTH BAY BOAT YARD (www.southbayboat.com) Southern California
- SVENDSEN'S (www.svendsens.com) Northern California
- BERT JABINS YACHT YARD (www.bjyy.com) Maryland
- ELDEAN'S (www.eldean.com) Michigan
- IRISH BOAT SHOP (www.irishboatshop.com) Michigan
- ISLAND COVE MARINA (www.islandcove.com) Tennessee
- J&J MARINE FABRICATING (www.jj-marine.com) Massachusetts
- NEW ENGLAND BOAT WORKS (www.neboatworks.com) Rhode Island
- NEWPORT SHIPYARD (www.newportshipyard.com) Rhode Island
- PALMER JOHNSON (www.palmerjohnson.com) Wisconsin
- SASSY'S MARINE, Michigan
- TIDEWATER YACHT SERVICE (www.tysc.com) Baltimore, MD
- TOLEDO BEACH (www.toledobeachmarina.com) Michigan
- TORRESON MARINE (www.torresen.com) Michigan
- ATLANTIC YACHT BASIN, Chesapeake, Va (www.AtlanticYachtBasin.com) Virginia